Walked the dog this morning our usual one-mile route around the Horn Point section of Eastport. Here is our early morning view off Horn Point while pup dog plays in the sand.
For the past several days pup dog has managed to come up the stairs
without any towels down on them for traction, so I am proud of her
making some progress. Now and again she balks, as she occasionally does
with getting on and off the boat, but overall she is coming along and
getting her sea legs. She still jumps from the top step over the next
three to the cabin sole, which I fear is not good for her joints
long-term, but at least I do not have to have sail bags taking up so
much space in the cabin.
Diving into the idea of shedding the majority of my "stuff." There are a few things I would never be able to part with nor fit on the boat, so a small storage unit will likely be needed, but if I can trade that expense for an office, the savings will be significant. Began the discussions last night to sell my car and should hear today what sort of price I can get for it through a friend who is an auto wholesaler. Will then need to see cars he has in my price range to try to scoop up a cheap, serviceable dock box. Once various cleaning and minor projects are taken care of aboard, will try to get to the office in the coming days to photograph shoes, handbags, knick-knacks, kitchen items, and furniture and start trying to sell things to Facebook friends and then via craigslist et cetera as necessary. Will try to find out this evening about where I might maximize my sales of the furniture and original artwork.
I have held on so tightly to expensive furniture because I know I will likely never again be able to afford to replace it and letting it go seemed an admission of my failures. And while that is true, keeping the furniture only holds me down. It is time to just let it all go and consider everything lost to the hurricane that is my life. Once the storm has passed perhaps I will have clear skies and calmer seas ahead of me.
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