The world is not enough; but can 28 feet be enough? A couple of weeks ago I began a serious search online for a boat to live aboard. Scanning hundreds of listings on Yacht World, Boat Trader, and Craigslist. Shoestring budget. A dizzying array of boats, and many in my price-range far from looking spiffy.
Yesterday the search began in earnest as I actually went and looked at two boats, a 31' Silverton and a 28' Bayliner, both cabin cruisers. Although I might consider a sailboat, and the fuel savings of sail is obvious, my "vision" of boating and living aboard always seems to include an aft deck, thus I am primarily looking at power boats.
If I had a larger budget the process would be much simpler. More choices of boats. Less price sensitivity to marina dockage fees. But, alas, the shoestring budget "is what it is" and constrains my options. If I can find a suitable seaworthy vessel and dockage within my budget, I can do anything. It has become an interesting challenge. I think I need to go to IKEA and observe with great care the "tiny space" demo apartments they have set up and get the ideas percolating.
And there is no shortage of doubters. Virtually everyone seems to relish in telling potential liveaboards how impossible and inconvenient the lifestyle will be. Gratefully, Annapolis has many liveaboards, even year-round, so I can reach out for a little positive encouragement during this process. I must remind myself how nice it is to be rocked to sleep by the sea.