you don't have a perfect Pottery Barn house and a centerpiece Martha
Stewart would be proud of then, well, let's be frank: you're a bad wife,
a bad mother, a bad woman, a bad American. Spend, spend, spend! Buy,
buy, buy! These are the modern carols of the holidays. Our American
(Western?) society is founded upon buying cheap plastic crap from
(inhumane, animal-testing, slavers) China and then promptly throwing it
in US landfills so we can buy more cheap plastic crap from China. Since
this is the only way to fuel our economy now, (because American
ingenuity and support of local small businesses is effectively dead),
this incessant, addiction-riddled, consumerism has somehow become
Patriotic. Yes, it makes me want to vomit.
puts ridiculous pressure on us all to buy gifts (I haven't in maybe 5
years) and to put on a perfect holiday. I remember being so poor growing
up that we had an enormous box under the tree. Elaborabately decorated.
And empty. The note said the box wasn't empty; it was filled with love.
Most of the gifts under the tree today aren't filled with love. They
are filled with guilt, obligation, and fawning attempts to buy
this rant, I actually love Christmastime. The smell of Douglas Firs,
the sparkling lights, decorating the tree, drinking cocoa, hoping for a
white Christmas. I still watch classic Rudolph, Grinch, and Charlie
Brown Christmas shows if I manage to catch them. But as with most things
in life now, I am concerned with the substance, not the appearance. I
would rather have fewer friends who are top-notch, focus on quality not
quantity in my meals, relationships, and how I spend my time. Things break. Things generate clutter, mentally and physically. Experiences and adventures provide a lifetime of memories.
the subject of materialism, but colliding with the soap opera of my
life, I headed to the pub for my Thursday night chicken tostados the
Thursday before Thanksgiving. I noticed "Dimples" was sitting at the bar
and tried to stroll past but he'd spotted me and I got roped into
sitting there with him. I don't know what I saw in him other than the
dimples but there I was getting lectured for two hours. I'm sure you all
know just how much I relish unsolicited advice. (Sigh.) He went
on and on about how with all my education I should be on a nice, new 60'
sailboat. That I need to go back to a real job and make real money,
that even if I only made $150,000 I could at least be paying my bills,
my student loans, and get rid of my boat. Although a life in the law is
not much of a life worth living in my opinion, I explained it isn't
exactly easy to find a legal job these days, and that until you're
post-menopausal law firms don't want to hire women because they think
you'll immediately go on maternity leave. He looked at me and said I
obviously don't have to worry about that anymore. Excuse me? I'm still quite fertile and only a hot 35-year-old who wants a lovechild away from being a mom.
the idiot basically tells me I'm lazy, old, and that my boat is a
dilapidated wreck. Not exactly the way to my heart, that's for sure. But
gee, Prince Charming said he would help me with "exactly two" things:
borrowing his diesel mechanic to look at my starter and getting my boat
to a marina for a haul-out. Those two things, he repeated, he would help
me with and for those two things I could call him. I was puzzled
insofar as I never asked for his help and I'm sure not going to take it
from some schmuck making me feel like a charity case. I politely smiled
and nodded. He kissed me on the cheek and told me he'd see me later. I
walked out the door and deleted every last trace of him from my phone
and iPad. I didn't even want to risk sending a drunken text rant or
anything. He's a rich guy who only cares about and values shiny new
things. Me, my life, my boat, we sparkle from within, but he can't see
that. His loss. I texted friends in town to smack me upside the head if I
start getting all gooey over Dimples again. I deserve so very much
better than the likes of him. Gratefully, one of my best friends in town
has been at the pub with me the last few times I saw Dimples there and I
simply ignored him and he's ignored me (other than feeling my ass when
he walked by on Saturday night, ugh). It sucks to have that awkward
feeling at my local watering hole, one that he is new to. But I'll just
have to suck it up and not make that mistake again.
How did I sell myself so short in life and love? It's hard to explain how demoralizing it is to have literally applied for thousands upon thousands of jobs in the past decade and have had interviews I can count on my fingers and toes. Probably just my fingers. It really tells me I don't have anything to offer that this society wants or values. Admittedly, I don't really like, respect, or value this society. So I guess the feeling is mutual. But I am so underutilized and we all want to feel useful, purposeful. And we all have to eat. I don't need a fancy life. But my pets, who have kept me going through it all, get a fraction of the medical care they should. And their medical care exceeds mine by at least double. I haven't seen a dentist since 2008. It just wears me down sometimes. But I keep on keeping on, because that's what one has to do. If I am anything, it's resilient. But when people ask "How are you?" I want to stop saying "hanging in there," and instead wholeheartedly say "the world is my oyster!"
What do I need in a guy? One like this! www.twentyeightfeet.com. (Please
watch the beautiful documentary; it's only 8 minutes long and a feast
for the eyes and soul.) Floppy hair, check. Jim Morrison curls, check.
Young and adventurous. While you're blinded by that chiseled bod, don't
forget to notice the great smile. Loves his boat from the bottom of his
heart. And has the right ideas about life, money, and what it means to
be rich. Yep, my dream guy. Unfortunately for me, that guy has a lovely
girlfriend and she's one of those rare white girls who can carry off
dreadlocks, so no competing against that. But if he's got a
doppelganger, I sure need to meet him and sail off into the sunset. (A
big thanks to my friend Chuck who sent me the video; I needed to see
that there really are guys like that out there somewhere!)
How did I sell myself so short in life and love? It's hard to explain how demoralizing it is to have literally applied for thousands upon thousands of jobs in the past decade and have had interviews I can count on my fingers and toes. Probably just my fingers. It really tells me I don't have anything to offer that this society wants or values. Admittedly, I don't really like, respect, or value this society. So I guess the feeling is mutual. But I am so underutilized and we all want to feel useful, purposeful. And we all have to eat. I don't need a fancy life. But my pets, who have kept me going through it all, get a fraction of the medical care they should. And their medical care exceeds mine by at least double. I haven't seen a dentist since 2008. It just wears me down sometimes. But I keep on keeping on, because that's what one has to do. If I am anything, it's resilient. But when people ask "How are you?" I want to stop saying "hanging in there," and instead wholeheartedly say "the world is my oyster!"
in other news, my engine won't start. I was all ready to head out for a
little day cruise, but the starter just buzzes and the engine doesn't
even try to cough or strain or anything. My diesel guy came and listened
to it and said it's likely the battery is kaput and just not enough
juice getting to the starter to even spin it. I protested that my
battery monitor says 13.2 volts. He said that is probably only because
I'm on the battery charger, hooked to shore power, and if I disconnected
the shore power I'd likely see the voltage plummet. Now that I think
about it, the voltage has stayed constantly at 13.2 for a while, whereas
it used to drain down to 12.4 and then recharge up to 13.4. I still
need him to come back and help finish the diagnosis so I can plan
accordingly. I have been planning to pull out the two 4Ds (200 pounds
each) and replace them with as many (75 pound) golf cart batteries as I
can fit, and also replace the starter battery. One problem I won't
repeat: prior owners connected the house and start banks, which should
be separate. Naturally, I don't have several hundred dollars laying
around to buy the new batteries, or the solar panels I wanted to install
at the same time so it would all be in sync and happy. OK, I know I
just ranted about not wanting things, but I admit batteries are
the kind of things I need cluttering up my life. They are things that
will help me move forward rather than things that hold me down. There,
see how I rationalized that and made it sound very beautiful and
In other boat news, I had a diver out. Sean from Open Water Diving
called me back within two hours of my initial call, made it out in less
than a week, was very professional, and fairly priced. He also does
search and recovery so if you lose a phone overboard in Annapolis, now
you know who to call. I will admit that I got his card back when I was
working on the fishing charter. He had been cleaning a boat in that
marina and was changing out of his wetsuit into street clothes. I walked
by and said "whoa, no need to rush putting on that t-shirt." What can I
say, we all like youth and beauty. Most guys take their shirt off and
you'd beg them to put it back on, so when a guy has a nice physique,
it's nice to enjoy the view. I got his card and of course I waited until
winter to call him, so alas, no show for me. But trust me, he's more
than a pretty face. Very professional and did a great job. In the cold and rain he came out the
day before Thanksgiving and cleaned the hull and installed a new zinc.
The hull was very dirty, but he said the bottom paint is in good shape
and I should be good until July for another cleaning. Bad news was the
old zinc was totally gone. But a new one is there now so I'll sleep a
little easier.
Someone on one of the boating forums has a signature line that says "rust never sleeps" and it sure is true. The corrosion is a battle I feel I just can't get ahead of. It just gets overwhelming. All the projects. Not having the money to repair things I know need attention. I love my boat so much and I frequently tell her I'm sorry I haven't done more, done better. She saved my life and I have to return the favor.
Someone on one of the boating forums has a signature line that says "rust never sleeps" and it sure is true. The corrosion is a battle I feel I just can't get ahead of. It just gets overwhelming. All the projects. Not having the money to repair things I know need attention. I love my boat so much and I frequently tell her I'm sorry I haven't done more, done better. She saved my life and I have to return the favor.
Gotta say I laughed when you said you love Christmastime. Your blog always makes me smile...well, except when it's about some donk who proceeds to tell you what you should be doing. It made me want to comment. Why are there so many people out there who think they know what's best for us? Why do people like to talk about themselves so much? Why is everyone so judgemental? Nobody wants to accept people for who they are anymore. Either they want to talk about how great they are, or they want to tell me what I should be doing. How about just being a normal person and appreciative of current company? Actually, I just reread your post and now I'm angry. How dare he. It's too easy to lose faith in humanity nowadays. I see awful people come into my work everyday. It's a battle to not wish them to get hit by a bus. But it's the one person who comes in and is everything people should be...they are the ones I focus on and that help me forget about the previous a-hole. It's easy to spot them in the crowd...they are the ones smiling all the time. I like those people.
ReplyDeleteRe www.twentyeightfeet.com ..."Floppy hair, check. Jim Morrison curls, check. Young and adventurous. While you're blinded by that chiseled bod, don't forget to notice the great smile. Loves his boat from the bottom of his heart. And has the right ideas about life, money, and what it means to be rich."...
ReplyDeleteYou do realize that this is a professionally edited HD video of a guy who sports a $1000 SLR in one scene. Perhaps a trailer for a movie, but not a real struggling sailor!
Nothing wrong with a fantasy!
s/v Ferrity
Indeed, you're right; but a girl can dream...
ReplyDeleteGirls with dreams are my goal!
DeleteLest we ignore dreams, we fail at life.
Go for it! Sail on little one!
s/v Ferrity
Hey there....been a while. I hope all is ok with you. Just wondering what you've been up to this holiday season. I miss your blog posts.